secret text?

don't req if:

NOTE : moots and the people I follow first are safe :p, and yes its long
a dream anti, you stan techno philza minx schlatt a6d fundy eret karl lunch club noah hugbox kaceytron cxlvxn ksi keemstar connereatspants hyperfixactions excluded ,c!tommy / c!quakity / c!sam, c!dream antis, you make jokes about dreams ex jealous dream cheating jokes etc, you think your fandom is better that mcyttwt, your first fandom is mcyttwt, you're a burner acc, white cishet, white kpopmcyttwt, youre a nonblack that uses aave, youre a nonblack lesbian that uses the d slur, you think your sexuality is better than others sexualitys, you get in lgbtq+ decisions (ace decision specifically like damn why does it matter get a life), you think having kpop pfp makes you cooler than other stans, disrespect dream in anyway, you've braked dreams boundaries, you make EVERYTHING about dnf (annoying ass), 404 main dnfers /hj, you have pig or pants in you dn/bio, genshintwt/anitwt who thinks they're better than mcyttwt, you made fun of someone's dni list, you played bingo with someone's dni list (unfunny ass), dont hold ccs accountable, think neopronouns are dumb, support bi/pan lesbian/gay, you set up dream (idc if it's by accident), tumbler gnf solo stans (freaks please kys) you think Israel is the victim, you think being racist towards white people is a thing, follow speedster what ever he's name is (no hard feelings you guys are just annoying)